Saturday, January 15, 2011

Control Your Life

I was at Landmark and i was going thru this book on self improvement in which the writer had shared some real good points of how to have control on your life..what he meant to say was how to get things under control and make the most out of what we have..

I would like to share the points which he highlighted.

1) Relax and be more productive
2) Remember that the peace is already within you
3) Save your breath and keep your sanity
4) Build your brain power
5) live with passion
6) Practice patience
7) Be a better jugular
8) Honour the precious peron inside you
9) Keep the track of energy reserves
10) Chose activities that bring you to life
11) Ask for help
12) Take a sabbath
13) Go out in to nature
14) Enjoy music for Peace,creativity and healing
15) Make the mundane sacred
16) Nap to awaken the genius within you
17) Just do it- and shed those bad habits
18) Do what you can, not what you want
19) Focus on making small changes
20) Understand what saving time really means
21) Give up perfectionism
22) surrender your resistance
23) Learn to say NO
24) Live in rhythm of time
25) Take time for simple pleasures
26) Choose wisely Time or Things
27) Take time to get organised
28) Make your Mind youe ally instead of your enemy
29) Exaggerate the negative
30) Reframe that problem
31) Ask yourself " am I having fun yet?"
32) Cultivate gratitute
33) Walk with a positive attitude
34) Listen to your heart
35) Medidate
36) Build your heart intelligence
37) Be a source of kindness
38) Learn forgiveness
39) Judge Not
40) Gaurd against Gossip
41) Be a good listener
42) Communicate honestly
43) Watch those assumptions
44) Put Love into actions
45) Find meaning in your life.

These 45 points are the crux of peacefull controlled mind and happy life.

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