Tractors are powerful special purpose vehicles which are used widely in agricultural and infrastructural fields. These machines have high torque and power which makes it the best option for carrying loads, working in the fields etc.
most often we see tractors attached with a trolley which contains the goods to be transported. recently i noticed that when this tractor trolley assembly is moving on the road at high speed and in case brakes are applied, it takes considerable amount of time to bring it to rest, but also when the brakes are applied suddenly (in case of emergency) then the tractor stops but the trolley sways around the hinge hitting the vehicles on either sides of the road.
As shown in the above figure, fig A shows the tractor trolley moving in a straight line.
In fig B the brakes are applied to the tractor which slows down, but the trolley keeps moving under the effect of inertia due to which it sways left or right, making it prone to deadly accidents.
what i believe is that the trolley should also have its own pair of brakes which should work in synchronization with the main brakes of the tractor. when such an arrangement will be provided then the ability of the tractor to come to a halt at the right time will be improved multi folds reducing the chance of any mishap.